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:(פירסומים) Publications

1.         Hershko, M.D.,  Jabotinsky, K., Mager, J. Studies on red call nucleoside triphosphate

            pyrophosphohydrolases. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 5: 991-997, 1969.

2.         Lerer, B., Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Belmaker, R.H. Electroconvulsive  treatment-biological      

            mechanisms of action. Hrefua 101: 221-223, 1981. (Hebrew).

3.         Lerer, B., Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Bannet, J., Ebstein, R. P., Belmaker, R.H. Electroconvulsive shock

            prevents dopamine receptor supersensitivity.  European Journal of Pharmacology 80:  131-134,1982.

4.          Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Durst, R., Levitin, L-A., Moscovich, D.G., Silver, H.,Lerner, J., van Praag, H.M.

            Gardner, E.L. Effects of halperidol on human plasma magnesium. Journal of  Psychiatric Research 27

            vol 2: 155-159, 1993.  


5.         Durst, R., Minuchin-Itzgsohn, S.,  Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., ‘Brain Fag’ Syndrome: Manifestation of

            transculturation in a  Ethiopian Jewish Immigrant. Israel Journal of Psychiatry vol 30 no. 4: 223-232,



6.         Durst, R., Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Dorevitch, A., Kiknzon, L.,  Idiopathic  unconjugated  hyperbilirubinemia

            (Gilbert’s Syndrome) and concurrent psychotropic drug administration. Pharmacopsychiatry, 26: 49-52,


7.         Durst, R., Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Ginath, Y., A look at court appointed psychiatric evaluation with special

            reference to criminal liability. International Journal of Medicine and Law, 12: 153-163, 1993.


8.         Durst, R., jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Ginath, Y., Electroconvulsive treatment: The right to accept versus the  

            right to  refuse it - critical analysis and suggestions for changes.  Harefuah 126: 80-84, 1994. (Hebrew).

9.         Dorevitch, A., Cohen-Adad, G., Jabotinksy-Rubin, K., Durst, R., Lithium-Associated Psoriasis. Harefuah

            127: 228-213, 1994. (Hebrew).

10.       Durst, R., Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Fliman, M., Pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia a neglected entity with

            legal implications International Journal of Medicine and Law 16(3): 487-498, 1997


11.       Durst, R., Katz, G., Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Konobler, H.Y., Kleptomania: phenomenological, clinical and legal

            viewpoints. Harefuah, 133: 441-441, 1997


12.       Durst, RPI., Rubin-Jabotinsky, KPI., Raskin, SPI., Zislin, JC., Katz, GC., Risperidone in Treating Behavioral  

            Disorders of Prader-Willi Syndrome. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 102: 461-465, (2.288, 34/90, 3), 2000

13.       Rubin, K., Pacing Depression: Overview of Efficacy Studies of Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Treatment               in Resistant Depression. Medicine, vol 5: 10-13, 2007. (Hebrew).


14.       Rubin, K., The first decade supervision of the Sick Funds by the Ombudsman of the Israeli National      

            Health Insurance Act. Accepted for publication by the Journal of medicine and law. (Hebrew).

Letter to the  Editor (מכתבים למערכת):


              Durst, R., Jabotinsky-Rubin, K., Raskin, S., Katz, G., Zislin, J.,  Risperidone, in Prader Willi Syndrome. 

              Journal. Am. Child Adolesc.Psychiatry, 59:5,  2000.

Abstracts (תקצירים):

1.         Durst R, Oren-Wolman N, Jabotinsky-Rubin K and Fliman M: PseudopPsychopatio Schizophrenia - A  

            Neglected Diagnostic Entity. 16th International Congress on Law and Medical Health. June 20-24,    

            Toronto Canada, 1990.


2.         Jabotinsky-Rubin  K, Durst R, Levitin L-A, Moscovich D.G, Silver H. Lerner J, van Praag H.M and Gardner

            E.L: Effects of Haloperidol on Human Plasma Magnesium. The Seventh National V of the Israel    

            Psychiatric Association, Jerusalem, 1991.


3.         Durst R, Oren-Wolman N, Jabotinsky-Rubin K and Fliman M: Pseudop Psychopatic  Schizophrenia -  A

            Neglected Diagnostic Entity. The Seventh National Congress of the Israel Psychiatric Association,

            Jerusalem, 1991.


4.         Ritsner M, Ginath Y, Karas S, Drigalenko E, Sherina O, Jabotinsky-Rubin K and Durst R: Linkage Studies of

            Schizophrenia: A Genetic Epidemiological Strategy.


5.         Weiss Y, Goldberg A and Jabotinsky-Rubin K. Development of the institution of the ombudsman for the

            national health insurance law in Israel following the enactment of an health obligatory national

            insurance act, 40 International Congress on the History of Medicine, Budapest, 2006.  


6.         Jabotinsky-Rubin K, van Creveld A and Weiss Y. Reform in the Enforcement of the Health Ombudsman’s 

            Resolutions in Israel, The Third International Jerusalem Conference on Health Policy, Jerusalem 2006

            (Poster, accepted).


 7.        Jabotinsky-Rubin K, and DeNeen I. The common mechanism of action of Vagus Nerve Stimulation

            Therapy and Electroconvulsive Therapy. Presented in the Israel Biological Psychiatric Association Annual

            Congress, 2008.

דוחות שנתיים של נציב קבילות לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי:


דוח מס' 1, נציב קבילות לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי, לשנת 1997

דוח מס' 2, נציב קבילות לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי, לשנים 1998-1999

דוח מס' 3, נציב קבילות לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי, לשנת 2000

דוח מס' 4, נציב קבילות לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי, לשנת 2001

דוח מס' 5, נציב קבילות לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי, לשנים 2002-2003

דוח מס' 6, נציב קבילות לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי, לשנים 2004-2005

דוח מס' 7, נציב קבילות לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי, לשנת 2006 וסיכום עשור לנציבות

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